Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Space Proposal

I plan to analyze and observe the TCU library over the next week. It will serve as my space for the Unit essay. I chose this space because I think it has a lot to offer. It is interesting to see the many functions the library provides for students. Of course, TCU students can go and work on projects, do homework, and access many databases for papers and other projects they have to do. Perhaps the most interesting function the library serves is as a social one. So many people go to the library to meet up with others, chat, and do everything but study.

I plan on going to the library multiple times over the course of the next week to observe both the library and those going in and out of it. I think the best times to observe are in the middle of the day, between 12 p.m. and 3 p.m. During these times you see a different group of people than you would between 9 p.m. and 3 a.m. So, over the next few days, I plan on going to the library to observe during these time periods, and see how much the 24 hour operation is affecting those who go to the library. The best days are during the week, so I will probably go Wednesday and Thursday night, and earlier on Friday. I will probably close out my observing session on Sunday night because that is when many of the procrastinators shine.

I already see and believe the library to be a space which is more suited for socialization than getting work done. I know there are those who do get a fair amount of work done while they spend their time at the library, but I feel more lean toward choosing other places to go study and actually do work than the library. I also feel the older you are, the more you feel inclined to go study somewhere else because you have experienced how tough it can be to get things done at the library. Younger students have yet to discover this and/or realize it and like to go to socialize anyway.

It will be interesting to see after observing and even talking with students if my thoughts are the majority. I feel it will be a good experience nonetheless.


  1. Wow, I am really impressed that you are choosing the library. I say that because I hate the library, partly because I always fall asleep there and it's freezing. You mentioned that the library is more for congregating rather than doing homework. Which category do you fall into?

  2. Kyle, This sounds like an extremely interesting space to analyze. The focus on social aspects will help you keep your topic and essay narrowed. It'll be interesting to hear what rhetoric is used to present the library as social space. Your proposal sounds good.

  3. Good call on the locale. I thought about choosing the library but went with the place that is right behind my apartment complex instead. Location, Location, Location...

  4. I think the library is a very fun and interesting place.. As you said the older you are, the more inclined you are to study somewhere else I have to disagree with you.. Being a Senior, I love to study at the library.. However, I have learned that the best place to actually focus and get stuff done without distractions is the basement. The library definitely can be a social scene too though.

  5. I completely agree with the fact that it is more of a social gathering rather than a place to study. I know I never go there to get work done, the only time I use it is to print off notes and slides.

  6. I agree that most people use it for social purposes, but I do think most people use the things it has to offer (such as the computer lab, writing-center, etc.). I think attending at various times will play a very important part, as well as what portions you sit in. It would be interesting to see if a lot of people go to the library after a holiday (ex:Superbowl, big sporting events, or parties???) or near holidays, or if less people use the library.
